TOP 3 free software solutions to boost your business
World of software for you today

This is an article about 3 free software which we used and trust

1 Brevo - ultimate CRM & email marketing tool

Absolutely for free CRM & mail marketing tool. You have up to 300 free email sends per day within your starter plan. You literally do not have pay even a penny to generate your leads

Try it now:

2 Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management. If you have just 3 people who support your customers it is incredibly powerful tool to manage incidents or service requests from your clients or partners, be sure to try it now: customer portal, queues, SLA’s, automation, AI and so much more for free

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3 Apple reminders

This one not that much obvious, is it? You will not believe how comfortable this tool can be for your business. Me personally use it to manage all types of my tasks: personal, business, blog - literally anything. Set up filters for hashtags, smart lists, assignees, priority date. Be sure to track all of your activities in any device any time (goes crazy when you link it to notes and calendar)

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